Arbutus Coast Consulting

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Power In Organizations

I remember reading an article about different types of power in organizations, and feeling a deep discomfort as I realized the multiple types of power I held in the workplace. I didn't want to inadvertently cause harm through my lack of self-awareness about the layers of privilege and levels of influence I had. If I have power, I want to use it for good, not evil!

Check out six commonly referenced sources of power below – I’m curious to hear how you feel about power: your own, others, and how it shows up in your life.

  • Legitimate – stemming from an individual’s position or role; formal authority granted by organizational hierarchies.

  • Reward – based on the ability to provide incentives or rewards in exchange for desired behaviour (salary increases, promotions, bonuses, etc.).

  • Coercive – relies on the ability to impose negative consequences, such as disciplinary action, demotions, termination, or other sanctions.

  • Expert – deriving from someone’s knowledge, skills, or expertise in a particular area; others differ to them and rely on their guidance and advice.

  • Referent – based on interpersonal relationships, admiration, or identification with an individual; these people often serve as role models or sources of inspiration.

  • Informational – possessed by those who hold critical or valuable information that others need; they can influence outcomes by selectively sharing or withholding information.

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