Hello! I’m Andrea CoutTS

I’ve been called an “alchemist” and a “bad-ass career coach,” and I love partnering with folks who are navigating challenges and opportunities in the workplace, making career shifts, and engaging teams to bond and boost performance.

I am a Certified Executive Coach, and I work with changemakers who want to see transformation in their workplaces, communities, and lives. Not an executive? No worries – I focus on the change you want to see, not your job title.

I have a background in strategic planning, crisis communications, and stakeholder management. I coach leaders in various industries, including urban development, real estate, non-profit sector, finance, municipal and provincial governments, academia, and entrepreneurship.

My pronouns are she/her, and I am a white, cis-gendered woman with episodic and invisible disabilities. I am an uninvited guest on the traditional lands of the lək̓ʷəŋən People, where I live and work in deep appreciation and gratitude.

I bring my authentic self to every coaching relationship, and I encourage you to do the same. I’m so glad you’re here and ready to explore the possibilities with me.

My Story

I had my first job at 14-years-old, and over the past 30 years I’ve seen it all.

I’ve had stretches of employment that have lasted one day (getting a propeller blade in my back as a boat jockey wasn’t my favourite) to nine years in corporate public sector and academic environments with complex employee structures including unionized staff, excluded management, and c-suite teams.

I’ve worked years in retail and service industries. I’ve worked reception at luxury car dealerships and served beer at a bar in England. I was a nanny for children from infants to tweens. I’ve worked jobs I loved (looking at you, bookstore) and jobs I most certainly did not (no thanks, coffeehouse chain). I’ve folded clothes and scrubbed toilets. I’ve developed strategies, led teams, and provided mentorship. I have extensive experience in media relations, crisis communications, integrated communications strategies, stakeholder engagement, and partnership building.

I’ve seen people break down at work; I’ve broken down. I’ve seen people bullied; I’ve been bullied.

And I’ve seen workplaces where people are thriving and fulfilled – where their contributions matter, and they can bring their full human selves to work. I’ve seen the shift from toxic to thriving, and the returns that follow with respect to productivity, results, and employee retention.

We spend so much of our lives at work. So many people are exhausted, disconnected from their core values, on the verge of burnout, and suffering the consequences with their health and in their personal lives.

We all deserve more.