• What You Can Expect

    I approach coaching conversations with compassion and empathy, and a strengths-based, action-oriented mindset.

    During each session, I will ask you questions, we will set an intention for the conversation, and go from there. The focus will depend on your needs, and could range from workplace conflict, leadership development, life transitions, five-year career plans, and more.

    Coaching is a forward-looking discovery-process, grounded in the understanding that people are resourceful and whole. I will hold you capable as the expert in your life, drawing upon your own experiences and capabilities to reach your goals.

  • My Values

    I’m on a mission to support executives as they lead change; to bolster teams as they bond and boost performance; and to help young leaders forge ahead with the kind of knowledge I wish I had in my 20s and 30s.

    I incorporate anti-racism and decolonization approaches, and embed equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in my practice as a coach.

    I help people identify their roadblocks and recognize their lived experience as assets, not liabilities.

    I support leadership teams in shifting organizational cultures to more positive outcomes and to recognize the value in building resilient teams.

  • What It's Not

    Executive Coaching is not therapy (diagnostic, and deals with healing pain, trauma, dysfunction; typically focused on emotional health or psychological functioning) or mentorship or consulting (subject matter expertise; provides guidance based on own experience).

  • Standards

    I am a Certified Executive Coach, via Royal Roads University. Coaching is a professional discipline, and I am bound by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Code of Ethics. Royal Roads University’s Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching program is an Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) through ICF, providing rigorous training to the highest professional standards.