Hierarchy of Needs

I’ve thought a lot about physiological needs: the basics at the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Food, water, shelter, sleep.

People working in social services are very familiar with how challenging it can be to meet those basic needs, particularly for folks experiencing homelessness without access to shelter, and people living in poverty.

I’m extremely grateful to always have had access to shelter and food – for many people, that’s not the case.

Contact me to explore changes you’re working through. 1-1 coaching or a group learning community are great options.

My experience of sleep deprivation demonstrated to me just how harmful it can be to not have those physiological needs met. In 2022, I had health issues that resulted in being severely sleep deprived for an extended period of time.

Once the problem was figured out and I started sleeping, it was like a light switched on. The brain fog cleared, body pain eased – and I had so much energy and mental clarity that I started a business!

Now that I've had over a year of regularly sleeping well, I'm curious to see what will happen.

How many people in your workplace and communities are striving to achieve and show up in ways that matter to them – but are struggling just to get their basic needs met?

Read about Siksika Nation’s contributions to Maslow’s work.

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