Andrea Coutts Andrea Coutts

Window of Tolerance

You’ve just opened Outlook and there’s an email marked URGENT from your boss. Someone sees your status circle turn green and calls you on Teams (you hear the “boo boo boobooboo boo boo” in your sleep). You glance at your phone and see a text message from your sibling – sh*t, your elderly parent had a fall for the second time this year and is in the hospital.

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Andrea Coutts Andrea Coutts

Start Stop Continue

Everyone wants to maintain that vacation glow, where you feel rested, relaxed, and full of energy. But it evaporates real quick in the face of an overloaded inbox and calendar that's booked solid for weeks. The Start Stop Continue framework is a useful tool for teams in their strategic planning process, or at the individual level during performance reviews.

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Andrea Coutts Andrea Coutts

Boundaries & Balance

What does it feel like to have boundaries? In my case, for a long time, it felt stressful, a sick anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach, clammy hands, shortened breath and a tight throat, hands shaking from adrenaline. Establishing boundaries with friends and family, in my personal life, at work, or out in the world – oof.

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