Boundaries & Balance

What does it feel like to have boundaries? In my case, for a long time, it felt stressful, a sick anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach, clammy hands, shortened breath and a tight throat, hands shaking from adrenaline.

Establishing boundaries with friends and family, in my personal life, at work, or out in the world – oof.

I’m a reformed people pleaser, good girl, yes-person. Creating boundaries used to be hard for me, because it meant saying no.

Contact me to explore the changes you’re working through. 1-1 coaching or a group learning community are great options.

And saying no – whether that’s one word or one hundred – felt like I was a disappointment, a failure, or the very worst thing of all: that someone would get mad at me.

Guess what? People have gotten mad at me. I’m sure there are people who don’t like me. That’s none of my business.

But the other side of doing the hard work with boundaries is this: peace, and calm, and centred purpose.

Have a great week! And maybe test out creating a boundary.

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