Pain, Fear & My Pitchfork

I used my pitchfork yesterday.

It’s a hefty tool, solid wood and stainless steel. We’re clearing an area to plant vegetables, and I used it to toss heavy chunks of clay sod over to the compost pile.

And today I’m celebrating, big time. Because I’m not in pain.

People who experience chronic pain or illness understand how acute pain can entrench deep pathways of fear in our brains.

Pain is a necessary teacher, and fear is a protector. We need these things for safety – whether that be physical, mental, emotional.

But extreme pain, and recurring pain, can be traumatic, and limiting. My experience with chronic pain has meant that certain things are off the table or can activate deep fear.

Reach out if you you’d like to chat about pushing past fear. I’d love to meet you!

Yesterday I decided to poke at the edge of fear. I took lots of breaks. There was nothing elegant or impressive about my efforts. And yet it made me so happy because I know this is teaching my brain and body new patterns of being.

How does pain and fear hold you back? How can you look at your own experiences of pain, and feel kindness towards yourself? What would it look like to stretch a little bit, into fear?

You’re doing great, by the way. High-five from me to you.

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Leading Teams on a Shoestring (Pt. 3)


Completing the Stress Cycle