Arbutus Coast Consulting

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Leading & Lagging Indicators

Ok, so, it turns out that not having someone else tell you what to do is hard.

I’m someone who has been programmed to believe success looks like THIS [insert money, influence, expertise, accolades].

I know I’m not alone in that, and learning how to create new ways of being and how to be at ease with things unfolding as they should has been a process, to say the least.

As a business owner, I do need to think about revenue. Contracts and clients are directly tied to being able to continue this entrepreneurial journey and pave the way for the vision I have for the future.

But I perhaps had not seen how myopic that lens can become until I had an excellent coaching session with my coach colleague Janet.

While discussing how I measure success, she casually commented, “Well, financials are always a lagging indicator.”

Record scratch. Pardon. Say more.

Contact me to talk about managing stress and preventing burnout.

We talked through how annual revenue is only one success indicator, and a lagging one at that.

And what are my leading indicators, the things that provide markers to help me assess whether I’m accomplishing what’s most important?

I identified three things:

  • Ongoing advancement of my coaching and facilitation skills, in service of my clients

  • Business development activities that fill my soul: building relationships and creating meaningful content

  • Writing a book

That last one… let me tell you, the sparkling glow that I felt when I said it out loud. Phew.

And so! Over to you – what are your personal leading and lagging success indicators? What about for your team?

If your stakeholders, Board, exec team, leadership are all banging on about numbers – what are the other ways you can measure your value? What matters most to you?

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