Andrea Coutts Andrea Coutts

Leading & Lagging Indicators

What are your personal leading and lagging success indicators? What about for your team? If your stakeholders, Board, exec team, leadership are all banging on about numbers – what are the other ways you can measure your value? What matters most to you?

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Andrea Coutts Andrea Coutts

Start Stop Continue

Everyone wants to maintain that vacation glow, where you feel rested, relaxed, and full of energy. But it evaporates real quick in the face of an overloaded inbox and calendar that's booked solid for weeks. The Start Stop Continue framework is a useful tool for teams in their strategic planning process, or at the individual level during performance reviews.

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Andrea Coutts Andrea Coutts

Spheres of Influence

As someone with a million ideas and projects on the go, I'm regularly risking decision fatigue. I'm always interested to hear how other folks prioritize their work and focus on what's most important to them. The Spheres of Influence model can help act as a filter for overwhelm.

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