Impossible Future

There’s sand between my toes. Gritty, damp.

More sand drifts over the wood floor of our bedroom. I’m up every morning with the sun, for a swim with sea turtles before a mug of coffee.

I wear colourful robes like Mrs. Roper; my skin is wrinkled and leathery from the sun. My hair is steel grey and wiry, and my earrings are huge. I stopped wearing bras years ago and have no attachment to what anyone thinks of me.

… this is my vision. A future self that I look forward to meeting.

At the same time, I’m enjoying and filled with gratitude for the life I get to live now, which was in turn an impossible dream held by my past self.

I remember sitting on a patio years ago with a close friend, making our way through a couple bottles of wine and a pack of cigarettes. I was untethered and uncertain about my future and the choices I wanted to make. She asked me, “What do you want most? Tell me what it looks like.”

Contact me to talk about what you want for your future self. 1-1 coaching or a group learning community are great options.

I pictured a small room with a comfy chair. Bookshelves lining the walls. A space filled with plants, where my work was to talk to people.

A few years later, a global pandemic sent me home to work at a table in our kitchen. And then I received approval to move cities and continue in my role remotely, as there was no sign of anyone returning to work in the office.

Today, my workspace looks like this: a small room filled with plants and art. I’m surrounded by books and large windows that look out to my garden. And I spend my days connecting with people on many meaningful levels.

My offering to you is this: somewhere in the day-to-day, the office politics, the dumpster-fire workplace hellscapes, the exhaustion of too many responsibilities and not enough time – try to take a moment to dream.

Even if it’s just for five minutes. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. And imagine: what would your impossible future look like?

The Joy Project is a program for changemakers creating movement in their workplaces, communities, and lives. This is an intentional cohort with limited spaces for each intake, to provide room for deep dialogue, connection, and trust. Send me a message to hold your spot!


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