5 Stages of Burnout

Do you see yourself on this continuum?

Burnout can progress from (initially) a really positive place! You're excited, enthusiastic, want to demonstrate your worth, take on new projects... and then more projects, but it's ok, you can still handle it. Things are getting stressful, but it's ok, it's ok.

Then there might be a bad day here or there where things went really sideways, but you were able to relax and disconnect over the weekend and felt better again on Monday.

Months go by and you might notice that you're anxious and stressed on the weekends and checking your phone into the late evening. But everyone else is too, so that's just the way things are.

It occurs to you that your therapy appointments lately involve a lot of guided breathing exercises, and your doctor prescribes blood pressure medication and inquires gently if you have options for paid leave at work.

Sound familiar? This is the norm for so many people - and it's not about you, or something you've failed to do.

We operate in oppressive systems with broken social safety nets, and community care and healing are the only way forward.

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