Arbutus Coast Consulting

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Start Stop Continue

It can be really hard coming back from vacation or a long weekend.

Everyone wants to maintain that vacation glow, where you feel rested, relaxed, and full of energy. But it evaporates real quick in the face of an overloaded inbox and calendar that's booked solid for weeks.

The Start Stop Continue framework is a useful tool for teams in their strategic planning process, or at the individual level during performance reviews.

But I think it's also a helpful reflective exercise when easing back into work after time off.

So take a look at your priorities for the next few weeks:

🔹 START: What could you start doing that would help you feel balanced? Is there a small thing that makes you happy and calms your nervous system? Can you do that at lunchtime? (Yes, please take a break).

🔹 STOP: Honestly - do you need the Teams chat and email thread before the strategy meeting before the ACTUAL meeting? And can that meeting be 30 mins instead of 1.5 hours?

🔹 CONTINUE: You're doing so many amazing things, I absolutely know you are. Make a note of them, write yourself a post-it to remind yourself that you're great, keep on moving.

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