Arbutus Coast Consulting

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Rituals & Nervous Systems

Before each coaching session with a client, I have a ritual.

It might seem a bit extra, but this practice helps centre and ground me – ensuring that I’m bringing my best to every conversation.

First up – water. My brain doesn’t function if I’m dehydrated, and I need to track the conversation, watch for nonverbal cues, listen for the deeper meaning behind what a client is saying, and connect back to patterns from past sessions and broader future goals.

Then maybe a little quartz roller treatment on my face to release tension and serve as a reminder to let go of my own stress and garbage and to not bring it into the call.

And I like smells! I choose an aromatherapy roller from Saje to match the energy I want to bring to the person I’m meeting with.

Immediately before opening the Zoom room, I light my favourite candle with a wooden match. It’s a tiny little thing that evokes campfires and connection.

Sensory rituals like this can help regulate your nervous system, support you as you prepare for a difficult conversation or important presentation, and unwind at the end of the day.

What’s your ritual?

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