Arbutus Coast Consulting

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Anchor Your Goals

Soooo. About those goals and intentions you set last week. Quick question: why do they matter?

In the final session of The Joy Project in December, we took time to focus on dreaming and possibilities. I asked participants to define their anchor: what’s the thing that will make your dream sink in?

I have two frames that guide me:

First – life is just too short. This was a shift that happened when my dad died in 2020. In the swirl of grief that year, I found myself unable to wait any longer for our biggest dream, to move to Vancouver Island.

Moving cities during a pandemic was stressful to say the least, but that’s the way it often goes for the important things in life. There’s not always going to be a good time to do something.

Second – and this is the opposite. Life is short, but at the same time, I might have another 45 or 50 years on this planet.

It’s a beautiful unfolding to realize, “Oh! A whole other life left to live. I can do so much!”

What’s your anchor? What is it that provides the true, deep meaning behind your goals or your word of the year?

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